Saturday, September 13, 2008

Ho-hum Saturday

Today, just like the rest of the week has been a lazy daisy day. I didn't feel like getting out of bed this morning and Conrad slept in with me until 10 am! I got up showered and put some new pajamas on and went downstairs to sit on the couch and watch TV. I have pretty much sat in front of this thing all day. I did get up and make some breakfast and chocolate chip cookies, it's going to be a fat day too. Drew went to the office to work because Conrad will terrorize him all day if he is home and he has to get lots of work finished. Yay! I get to be terrorized all day today just like everyday.
Conrad has been sick all week since last Saturday night, he has had Roseola. Last Saturday night I put him down for bed and noticed he felt a little warm but I didn't think to much of it. When he woke on Sunday morning he was burning up I could barely hold him he was so hot, 103.7! His fever lingered between 103.7 and 102 for the next few days. I took him to the doctors on Monday morning and had to see a new doctor because his regular pediatrician was on vacation. Th s doctor told me he couldn't find anything wrong with him and since the fever was his only symptom that it was just a virus and should be gone by Wednesday. Well the fever was down to the low 101s on Wednesday and on Thursday morning the fever was gone. Thank goodness, I was so worried. Then I noticed he had a rash all over his lower abdomen when I changed his that morning. I went online and looked up Roseola like a friend of mine had suggested it might have been and sure enough thats what it was. So Today his rash is gone and he has his appetite back. He is still rather clingy and sleepy but thats okay it allows me to catch up on sleep and just take the day easy and cuddle with my little man. This was his first sickness he has ever had, so it was pretty nerve wracking for me and I hope this is the last one for a long, long time.
Any who, this week was lazy and uneventful. I caught up on a lot of missed sleep but I am still feeling tired and melancholy. I haven't done any cleaning or tidying up so the house if a filthy pig sty.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Where O where is Conrad??

I lost my Conrad today, I looked everywhere and I couldn't find him. Hmmm? "Where is Conrad, what happened to my baby boy?" As I walked through the kitchen I heard a familiar laugh. I looked down and this is what I found...

Conrad has a brand new hiding spot to play in, what a silly boy.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Fall is coming!!

I was pleasantly surprised this morning when I stopped for my morning Starbucks today, they have the
Pumpkin Spice Latte on the menu! Do you know what that means? It means fall is just around the corner! So of course I ordered one and let me tell you, it was very very delicious. Despite it being sunny and almost 85 degrees outside at 9 am it made me feel like it was the middle of October. when I went to the mall today every store had their fall clothes out on display and all their fall decorations up. So I decided to by some new soap for my bathrooms at the Bath & body works store and i ended up buying a whole bunch of stuff. I bought some pumpkin spice soaps and the pumpkin spice air refills and room spray. I also bought the cutest pumpkin candle, I am so excited about it all. Is it too early to start decorating?? I know fall doesn't really start until the 22 of this month and weather wise it isn't going to feel like fall for a while yet. Maybe I will wait another week or so if I can resist it.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A glimps of Kylie!

We got our first good look at her on Saturday, we went for one of those 4D ultrasounds. AMAZING! We had it done with Conrad too and the whole process really wows me. You get to see your little belly monster just hanging out in your belly. Bad thing was that she slept the whole time and she was smooshed behind some placenta so we couldn't get a really good look at her. Good thing is that she looks perfect, normal and beautiful. I am so much more excited now and I can't wait to have her in our family. Only ten more weeks, although I think like big brother she might make her debut a bit early.
Here she is!

This is one of Conrad... Do you see a resemblance?