Sunday, July 15, 2012


It seems like all my friends who have kiddos about the same age as Eloise have posted pictures of their little ones sitting up weeks and weeks ago. Eloise is so happy and content I just assumed she was content rolling on the floor playing with toys and watching her brother and sister.  Although, deep down I was a little sad she wasn't hitting her milestones at the same time or earlier then the others. My other two were sitting,  crawling and exceeding others their age at this point so I just thought she would be too. however, she is so happy and easy going  I guess its her nature. The thing  tho, with the sitting is that she would much rather stand. If I try to sit her down she tries to stand up and then just falls over. Today I sat her down and let go and she stayed sitting up! I was shocked! She even wobbled a bit and corrected herself. What a tricky little booger! I bet she could have sat up all this time...Stubborn and persistent are new traits I would like to add to her personality. She just wanted to stand and not bother with the other things.

 Look at this cutie pie sit up by herself!!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Little Eloise

You are six months old now and you cut your first tooth!! Your bottom right tooth just magically appeared on the 8th. You weren't fussy or grumpy and your gums weren't swollen. I stuck my finger in your mouth so you could chew it and was shocked to feel a sharp little tooth poking out. I had no idea you were ready to get one! I couldn't believe it. It made me cry. You are my baby and I am just not ready to say goodbye to your big gummy grins and the sweet little turtle face you make. Those adorable faces melt my heart and send me over the moon in love with you. You are supposed to stay little for always. Guess I better get my fill while I can.